Does your back feel weak? Do you find yourself being careful in how you move and get around?
Your back is a very important structure that requires attention to stay healthy and keep you in the game – the game of life and working and caring for you and yours.
I see so many older adults having trouble getting around. Maintaining a strong and healthy back is so key to movement.
The low back region is a very complex structure. Many different bones, joint, muscles and other soft tissue are connected and working together to provide stability and strength for this important anatomical structure.
Inflammation, a continuation of overuse, chronic pain, arthritis, muscle tension and more can leave your back in a weak and very unstable state. Nerves connect to muscles and signal the muscle to contract so the body can move. If that muscle is fatigued, knotted or that signaling is impaired weakness and instability sets in.
You may not feel pain at first. It takes multiple muscles to contract together to cause the body to move. When some muscles become fatigued and the signaling is inhibited, other muscles try to compensate. Now, body movement is not as strong with less muscles involved. Healthy muscle now become overused and fatigued and strength and stability continues to diminish – sooner or later the pain will set in.
It is important to keep the core of your body strong and flexible. Your core is like a hub of a wheel – everything is attached to it – so important.
If you have back trouble and you feel a lack of coordination, chronic stiffness, weakness, pain – especially a gripping or seizing kind of pain where you struggle to move, then consider treatment to restore your core muscle strength and stability.
Exercises to strengthen your core muscles like planking, side-planking and bridging can help but I have found electro-acupuncture to be essential for a more rapid and long term recovery.
Electro-acupuncture is very unique in how it can target specific motor points on a muscle. This electric stimulation causes gentle muscle contractions and restores nerve signaling and muscle strength by simply stimulating motor points where the motor nerve connects to the muscle.
If you need help and want to know more – request a free consultation – we can help! CLICK HERE