The Healing Power of Gratitude – AcuNews 2021-11.1
The season of Thanksgiving is upon us! Gratitude is such a powerful healer and the gateway into love. Ultimately Love...
A holistic acupuncture and wellness center serving the Coventry / Rhode Island Area since 2005
The season of Thanksgiving is upon us! Gratitude is such a powerful healer and the gateway into love. Ultimately Love...
Thought to have originated around 4000 BC in the ancient Celtic world, Halloween is considered to be a time when...
World Smile Day: Natural Health and Healing Friday, October 1st is World Smile Day, but everyday should be World Smile...
Fix Constipation with this Traditional Medicine Fall is the season of letting go. We watch as the trees release their...
It’s Back to School Time – Are you Ready? Increase Focus, Immunity, and Stress-Free Studies As late summer hints at...
Additive sugar is prevalent throughout modern society’s current food system, the addition of extra sugar is one of the causes...
Mental Health is connected to Gut Health Modern medicine is catching up now on the fact that there’s a link...
Acupuncture and Male Infertility In honor of Father’s day this month, let’s talk about a couple’s ability to conceive, specifically...
Are You a Wizard? Summer is Your Time to Shine! As the seasons change, so does the type of energy...
Spring is an amazing time to reconnect with the natural world. Did you know that being in and around nature...
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