Tips for Ovarian Health AcuNews 2020.10
Ovarian Health There are a number of complications that can happen to a woman’s ovaries over her lifetime such as...
A holistic acupuncture and wellness center serving the Coventry / Rhode Island Area since 2005
Ovarian Health There are a number of complications that can happen to a woman’s ovaries over her lifetime such as...
Acupuncture and Depression Depression is defined as a serious medical condition where a person often feels very sad, unimportant, and/or...
Foods to Eat to Help Depression Many have heard the question posed what came first, the chicken or the egg?...
Many people suffer from depression at some point in their lives. It can be triggered by unexpected events like the...
How Does Acupuncture Work? When most people hear the word acupuncture, they don’t immediately think of relaxation. They most likely...
Acupuncture Can Help With Opioid Addiction The United States is in the middle of an epidemic like no other. We...
I am excited to announce the Clinic is Reopening June1st at a NEW LOCATION in Coventry, RI!!! Starting June 1st...
Immunity Enhancing Herbal Remedies Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) utilizes many different modalities to help keep the body free from disease....
The Importance of Drinking Water Everywhere you go these days, you see people carrying bottled water. And because of the...
Seaweed: the next superfood Seaweed has been consumed as a health aid and food enhancer for years in Asia, but...
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