Sweet and Salty Flavor for Health AcuNews 2020 2.1
Sweet and Salty Food Taste in TCM In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), food is considered medicine. Herbal formulas mostly consist...
A holistic acupuncture and wellness center serving the Coventry / Rhode Island Area since 2005
Sweet and Salty Food Taste in TCM In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), food is considered medicine. Herbal formulas mostly consist...
BLOOD FLOW Looking to stay extra warm this winter? We all know that keeping your head and feet properly covered...
Depending on where you’re located geographically, it may be that time of year where it’s nearly impossible to keep a...
Check it out — Patient Help Sheet: Tension Headaches Tension headaches are the most common types of reported headaches that...
Signs of stress include depression, anxiety, low sex drive, memory and concentration difficulties, mood swings and irritability, low moods, feels...
Winter is just one of the five seasons acknowledged by Traditional Chinese Medicine. The ancient Chinese followed the belief that...
Breastfeeding and Acupuncture New mothers always want to do everything possible to care for their new baby. One of the...
In Vitro Fertilization and Acupuncture Nearly 1.6 percent of all infants born annually in the United States are conceived using...
Not having health insurance coverage for acupuncture has been a challenging issue that I have seen over the past 14...
Acupuncture for TMD – Think Jaw Pain Temporomandibular disorders is a mouthful to say so I say think jaw pain...
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