Tired of Being Tired? Try a Medicine that Supports Natural Healing. AcuNews 9.1 2019
Tired of Being Tired? Try a Medicine that Supports Natural Healing. There are many factors involved with fatigue. If you...
A holistic acupuncture and wellness center serving the Coventry / Rhode Island Area since 2005
Tired of Being Tired? Try a Medicine that Supports Natural Healing. There are many factors involved with fatigue. If you...
Back Pain and Stagnation Pain Most of the stagnation-types of pain involve traumatic injury or a palpable-pathogenic process. This is...
The Yin and Yang of Back Pain In Chinese medical theory, the most basic distinction between types of pain is...
Why do I get sick so easily? Hang in there, this requires a little bit of translation… From an acupuncture...
Why can’t I get motivated? We’ve all been there – you have the best of intentions to do something positive...
In summer, nourish your heart Summer is a time of abundant energy, long sunshine-filled days and warmth. In Traditional Chinese...
How Spring Relates to Body Function Spring is generally regarded as a happy season, especially for those that live in...
It’s Spring! Time for Cleansing and Cleaning for Health Springtime is a great time to give your health a boost...
Ginger and Its Uses in TCM Ginger is a common spice once considered a luxury. Ancient Chinese and Indians used...
Natural Medicine for Acid Reflux Acid reflux is very common in today’s world. Statistics show 60 percent of the adult...
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