FREE Wellness Workshop – Headaches / June 30
Health Tips and Wellness Workshop Tuesdays Upcoming Workshop Dates: July 7 – No Event Scheduled (summer schedule) June 30, 2015...
A holistic acupuncture and wellness center serving the Coventry / Rhode Island Area since 2005
Acupuncture – The physical manipulation of specific points on the body to stimulate a natural healing response.
Health Tips and Wellness Workshop Tuesdays Upcoming Workshop Dates: July 7 – No Event Scheduled (summer schedule) June 30, 2015...
Physically Fit versus Holistically Healthy There is a difference between being in top physical shape and holistically healthy. Some people...
Acupuncture points or Acu-points are pinpoint areas along the surface of the body under which lies a highly concentrated volume...
Causes of Headaches and Relief with Acupuncture If you suffer from headaches, you are not alone. Over 50 million of...
If you are looking for all-natural solutions to healing and greater health you’ll want to continue reading to understand this...
Save Your Summertime Skin Now is the time of year when the sun becomes irresistible. As tempting as it is...
How Acupuncture Can Safely Help With Allergies and Asthma Do you suffer from allergies or asthma? If so, you aren’t...
EVENT NOTICE: Coventry DHS Health and Wellness Event DATE: Thursday, May 28 5pm-8pm Mini Stress Reduction Treatment from 5:30 pm...
Acupressure For Asthma Affecting nearly 1 in 12 people worldwide, asthma is an all-too-common respiratory disease. It’s characterized by chronic...
Alternative Treatment Options For Allergies and Asthma Do you suffer from allergies or asthma? Did you know acupuncture is an...
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* Individual results vary. No guarantee of specific results is warranted or implied and your results will depend on many factors (full disclaimer).
The information posted here by NaturesHealing.info is not purposed to replace professional medical diagnosis, treatment or advice. You should always consult a qualified healthcare professional with questions about any medical condition.
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