Effects of Sugar-Additive Foods and Kids
Additive sugar is prevalent throughout modern society’s current food system, the addition of extra sugar is one of the causes...
A holistic acupuncture and wellness center serving the Coventry / Rhode Island Area since 2005
Pediatric care from a Traditional Chinese Medical view point
Additive sugar is prevalent throughout modern society’s current food system, the addition of extra sugar is one of the causes...
More Fat and Less Sugar – a good rule for everyone I notice a lot of parents feeding their kids...
Overcome Childhood Obesity Naturally Childhood obesity is a serious health issue affecting more than 12 million children in the United...
Milk Lungs Mucus Yuk! If your child or you as an adult are dealing with chronic respiratory problems that particularly...
Do the little ones get sore muscles? Check this out. Occasionally, my 3rd grade daughter will complain about sore legs....
Are you sleeping in your own bed? I’ve seen parents on the fence about whether to let their children sleep...
Boo Boo Kisses and Band-Aids are comforting and help form great family bonds. Here’s a fun tip! There are important...
Do you remember the Golden Rule? Being a parent is such an important job. I believe parents are the most...
Have you ever noticed your appetite changes after a stomach bug? Stomach bugs are terrible. I‘ve seen my kids projectile...
Ever hear the fable about the Fox and the Tiger? I love children’s stories because they often have a great...
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