How’s your appetite? Is it light or on the low side not wanting to eat much? Is it heavy with feelings of always being hungry? Either way these are symptoms of an imbalance that can lead to much more concerning health issues such as weight gain/weight loss, malnutrition, lack of energy, sleep problems and more. A low appetite can be due to qi (‘chee’ – functional energy) deficiency leaving you with feelings of fatigue. Some over-weight people with low appetites can show signs of a deep internal issue – perhaps a hormonal imbalance. Losing weight is key but may be very difficult and professional guidance may be needed. As we get older things don’t get easier. Carrying excess weight around will drain your energy and lead to more health issues. A heavy appetite could be due to high stress which acts like a fire internally burning up body resources and needs to be replenished. Heavy appetites and cravings can be symptoms of malnutrition. The body is simply not getting the nutrients it needs to function. A diet in processed foods that have had the nutrition beaten out of it in the processing can lead to cravings and a heavy appetite because of the lack of nutrition. Eating fresh whole foods will offer a more balanced nutrition and be more supportive to your health.
Eating at regular intervals will also maintain steady blood sugar levels and support a steady energy output for the body. Irregular eating habits such as skipping meals like breakfast will create irregular energy levels that can lead to all sorts of irregularities in health.
The above are just a few examples but there are many other causes that can affect your appetite. A trained health professional can identify your individual needs and guide you into maximizing your health moving forward. Consider calling to schedule a consultation and learn how you can optimize your health.
Look for a new article I’ll soon be posting here on my blog called “Stop Symptom Chasing”.